schemaVersion: 2.2.0 metadata: name: wildfly-start version: 2.0.1 website: displayName: WildFly Getting Started description: Upstream WildFly Getting Started icon: tags: ['Java', 'WildFly'] projectType: 'wildfly' language: 'java' variables: imageRegistry: '' imageName: 'getting-started' imageVersion: 'latest' applicationName: 'start' nodeName: 'getting-started' starterProjects: - name: getting-started description: WildFly Getting Started git: checkoutFrom: remote: wildfly-devfile-examples revision: getting-started remotes: wildfly-devfile-examples: components: - name: tools container: image: memoryLimit: 1512Mi mountSources: true volumeMounts: - name: m2 path: /home/user/.m2 env: - name: JAVA_OPTS value: '' - name: DEBUG_PORT value: '5005' - name: NODE_NAME value: '{{nodeName}}' - name: IMAGE_REGISTRY value: '{{imageRegistry}}' - name: IMAGE value: '{{imageName}}' endpoints: - name: debug exposure: internal protocol: tcp targetPort: 5005 - name: 'http' protocol: http targetPort: 8080 exposure: public - name: 'management' targetPort: 9990 protocol: http exposure: internal - name: image-build image: dockerfile: buildContext: . rootRequired: false uri: Containerfile imageName: '{{imageName}}:{{imageVersion}}' - name: kubernetes-deploy kubernetes: endpoints: - name: http-8080 path: / targetPort: 8080 uri: deploy.yaml attributes: deployment/container-port: 8080 deployment/cpuLimit: 100m deployment/cpuRequest: 10m deployment/memoryLimit: 300Mi deployment/memoryRequest: 180Mi deployment/replicas: 1 - name: m2 volume: size: 3Gi commands: - id: package exec: label: "InnerLoop 01 - Build the application." component: tools commandLine: mvn clean verify workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE} hotReloadCapable: true group: kind: build isDefault: true - id: run exec: label: "InnerLoop 02 - Run the application in dev mode." component: tools commandLine: mvn -Dwildfly.javaOpts="${NODE_NAME}" -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package org.wildfly.plugins:wildfly-maven-plugin:dev workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE} hotReloadCapable: true group: kind: run isDefault: true - id: debug exec: label: "InnerLoop 03 - Debug the application in dev mode." component: tools commandLine: mvn -Dwildfly.javaOpts="${NODE_NAME} -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=*:5005,server=y,suspend=n" -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package org.wildfly.plugins:wildfly-maven-plugin:dev workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE} hotReloadCapable: true group: kind: debug isDefault: true - id: build-runtime-image exec: label: "OuterLoop 01 - Build Runtime Image." component: tools commandLine: "podman build -f Containerfile -t ${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${IMAGE} ." workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE} group: kind: build isDefault: false - id: push-image exec: label: "OuterLoop 02 - Push Image into image registry." component: tools workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE} commandLine: "podman tag ${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${IMAGE} ${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${IMAGE}:latest && podman login ${IMAGE_REGISTRY} -u ${IMAGE_REGISTRY_LOGIN} -p ${IMAGE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD} && podman push --tls-verify=false ${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${IMAGE}:latest" group: kind: build isDefault: false - id: deploy-image exec: label: "OuterLoop 03 - Deploy Image into the cloud." component: tools workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE} commandLine: "helm repo add wildfly && helm install ${IMAGE} -f .charts/helm.yaml --set build.enabled=false --set${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${IMAGE} wildfly/wildfly" group: kind: run isDefault: false - id: undeploy-image exec: label: "OuterLoop 04 - Undeploy Image from the cloud." component: tools workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE} commandLine: "helm uninstall ${IMAGE}" group: kind: run isDefault: false - id: build-image apply: component: image-build - id: deployk8s apply: component: kubernetes-deploy - id: deploy composite: commands: - build-image - deployk8s group: kind: deploy isDefault: true